Beachworks is your guide to the Seattle real estate market. If you’re looking for a way to sell your home as-is or have questions about how new zoning affects your property value, we’ve got your back.  Reach out to us to inquire about any of the following:

  • You’re interested in selling your Seattle home with  a flexible, transparent, all-cash offer
  • You’d like a straight-forward quote for your home
  • You have an inquiry relating to one of our team members reaching out to you at some point
  • You saw a flyer/ad/heard about us from a friend and want to learn more
  • If you want to list your property, contact our sales team via email
  • You’ve seen one of our developments and would like to learn more
  • You’re a builder looking for qualified land in the Seattle area
  • You’ve got land in the Seattle area that you’d like us to develop
  • …or anything else related to our development side!